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I am an applied mathematics PhD student at UCLouvain, Belgium, working with François Glineur. My research interests include optimization, machine learning, and their applications in energy systems. I am passionate about open-source software and reproducible research. I am also a teaching assistant at UCLouvain.


N-SIDE internship

Research intern



  • Working with Mehdi Madani on efficient computation of Convex Hull Prices for day-ahead electricity markets
MaLGa internship

Research intern

Machine Learning Genoa Center



LOGO UCLouvain

Ph.D. in Optimization

Université catholique de Louvain

2021 - ongoing

  • Early stage researcher in the MSCA-ITN project (TraDE-OPT) under the supervision of Pr. François Glineur
  • Working on automated method selection and tuning for optimization problems in data science
Grande Ecole Ingenieur Ensimag

B.S., M.S. in Computer Sciences and Applied Mathematics

Grenoble INP Ensimag

2018 - 2021

  • One of the leading French engineering schools, specialized in applied mathematics, computer science and telecommunications.
  • Research-oriented Master, strong emphasis on applied mathematics for data science.
classes preparatoires MP

Classes préparatoires (Mathematics and Physics)

Lycée Carnot

2016 - 2018

  • Preparation for nation-wide competitive entrance exams to the prestigious French Grandes Écoles.
  • Undergraduate courses in mathematics, physics and computer sciences.


